Thanos Hotels are extremely excited about the new RYA courses that are available to guests, of all ages, staying at Anassa.
The new RYA courses are run by the prestigious Latchi Watersports who has created them as an ‘educational sailing experience’ with an array of fun activities and challenges that are tailored to the individual. Building up confidence is a key priority for Latchi Watersports who boasts that the RYA courses are run by some of the most experienced and friendly instructors in Cyprus. They ensure thrilling adventures and most importantly – safety. Whether you’re an expert or novice sailor the sailing challenges included in the course are great because they’re designed for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. They want people to feel comfortable when out at sea. Not only do you get involved with presentations, games and exercises but participants also learn the ropes and get to grips with the sailing equipment, sailing dinghies and catamarans as well as being able to step on-board their two brand new Laser Bahias, the epitome of style and true luxury. Another brilliant aspect is that children get the choice to have private or group classes, where they can get stuck into the theory and practical training before taking to the deck. As a result these classes are great for teamwork and bonding.
The Latchi Watersports is mindful that many may fear sailing and has therefore created this course to encourage potential sailors to, instead, embrace the sea and to evoke a nautical passion within people. They enable guests to make new friends, to learn new skills but to also have fun and to enjoy sailing the crystal clear, calm waters of the Mediterranean that hug the shores around Anassa.
As the only hotel in the Eastern Mediterranean to offer RYA courses to our guests, we couldn’t be more delighted!