Being on holiday gives you the opportunity to exercise your creativity, so why not learn how to throw a pot? Through its Bespoke Experiences programme, Anassa offers you one-on-one or group lessons with Avgoustinos Michael, a Cypriot potter with over thirty years of experience in the craft. He will bring his potting wheel and other materials to Anassa’s Village Square, where you will spend an hour and a half working the clay. Avgoustinos uses three kinds of clay—the local clay, which is difficult to work because it is raw and contains impurities, and clays imported from Italy and from England. For beginners, he recommends the Italian clay, as it is soft and responds nicely to the hand’s touch. Discuss with him what you would like to make and explore the main techniques—slab building, coiling, and pinching. You will also want to take a spin at the potting wheel: He can show you how to centre the clay, use the pedal to control the speed of the wheel, and develop the skill that practitioners call ‘steady hands.’ Avgoustinos says you must develop three qualities to become a potter: ‘Passion, persistence, and patience.’ After you have completed your pot, he will take it to his workshop, where he will dry it, bisque fire it, clean it, apply glaze, and fire it again. He will then ship it to your home. Many people find working wet clay with their hands therapeutic. Throwing a pot may be your first step on a long creative journey.