Though the property is closed for the winter, Anassa team members recently adorned the doorway of our Ayia Athanasia Chapel with a wreath to recognise the Christmas holiday. The chapel sits on our Village Square and is used regularly for religious celebrations: in 2018 alone, ten weddings or christenings were held there. Its simple architectural style, with a central dome and a bell tower, draws on Byzantine influences; the interior seats 45 congregants and features an altar and icons in the Orthodox style. Every spring, the chapel hosts services in the Orthodox and Catholic traditions for Easter, with the Village Square setting the stage for the sombre procession of the Epitafios on Good Friday and the traditional Holy Saturday bonfire. While the festive season is a quiet time at Anassa, our maintenance workers and gardeners are steadily preparing the property for the new season as the entire team eagerly awaits the return of guests. Anassa opens its twenty-first season on 1 April 2019.